Levels that can be developed in a Society in an economic environment

Currently, human beings enjoy high technological standards in all areas for health diagnoses and treatments, virtual classrooms to promote education, promotion, sale and purchase of products and all kinds of innovative items through networks and very probably you have been builders or witnesses of the advances; although we all know that with the simple exercise of comparing what life was like for ancestors with that of parents and grandchildren, the quantum leap is evident at all levels that have occurred in such a short time.

However, everyone wonders when these technologies or methods developed today will be able to serve to prevent and control natural disasters, or control decisions that cause significant loss of life, or block false narratives and news in advance, discover the high rates of violence and distribution of illegality, violence due to economic difficulties, containing the ravages of wars that leave consequences such as the war in Ukraine, the covid-19 pandemic that also helped trigger high global inflation, further subjecting the misery of many families, bankrupt companies and with it job losses and labor, among many others due to economic and social stagnation that puts many countries at risk of an economic recession that is difficult to recover from; In this same line, a sense of promoting transformation in all fields is sought, starting from civil culture, integrity, justice, social service and, above all, in the economy throughout the world.

IRAIC enters this new world of transformation of these realities where it seeks to maintain the common good of all people, true development and productivity in any society. We frame strategies where each gift, talent, ability, resource, asset, etc. account and sum to make this a better world, operated under the premise that all income generated by the IRAIC and its members goes to an exponentialization fund. A largely self-sufficient character is developed in each area of ​​development, both collective and work ethics play an important role. It works hand in hand with the PRODUCTIVE GOVERNMENT entity to impact societies, leaving a mark in each country where it is implemented in the production, education, health, culture and ideology of the peoples.

A new change that includes strategic paths towards functional projections that frame openings towards new markets in the different sectors, highlighting the economic and technological aspects, that identify structural flaws that can be corrected, and that in turn in the practice developed for the technology industry, agricultural, livestock, mining, energy, health, educational, sports, financial, commercial; where companies, civil society organizations, entrepreneurs and governments meet to learn about the great advances and developments of this systemic nucleus in terms of markets, generating great resources and profits that put in order a nation with great self-sufficient and financial potential. Published by Emirates Herald, news and information agency.

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