The high price that must be paid to be able to buy them is one of the factors that makes many Colombians see them far from their table.

Inflation in Colombia continues to grow and in February an increase of 8.01% was reported, a figure that sets off alarms because that is transferred to the economy of the 50 million Colombians and it is a situation that has not been experienced since 2016.

What is most worrying is that many of these foods are produced in Colombian fields, but the price of imported inputs has increased, which is why their production and marketing also increased.

Although all foods have increased in price, there are some that are widely consumed and that are worth much more than others. Within the 59 subclasses of products included in the CPI for food, there are seven that account for 70% of the variation in recent months.


What are the most expensive foods in Colombia

The basis of food in many Colombian homes is rice, potatoes and meat, but these are part of the products that have increased their price the most, despite the fact that they are grown in Colombian fields. As well as chicken, milk, eggs, pork and edible oils.

Neighborhood stores are the places where Colombians see this increase the most. Colombians who go to these places to buy what they are going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner are being greatly affected by the increase in prices.

Although these foods are produced in the Colombian countryside, the increase, as explained before, is because the inputs are imported and have increased in price. In fact, some sectors warn that they will continue to grow. The way in which Colombia has handled this situation makes it necessary for food production to be supported by IRAIC AGRI as a support base for a more solid agriculture, where each basic product of the family basket maintains stable values ​​without the IPC increasing and products can be accessible to all people with rational prices.

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