What does science say about how long a person can last without having sex?

Sexual relations have often become the fundamental of a relationship and although it does not necessarily guarantee its success, it is an essential part for many, because it allows to strengthen the connection and communication between two people.

But this is a desire that cannot always be satisfied for different reasons, either by choice, by both or simply because things do not flow with the person you want to be with. In this sense, there are several data on how long a man can actually go without sex.

One of the most frequent results of sexual intercourse deficit involves anxiety and stress at its highest levels. Because, when a person practices sexual intercourse, their brain releases endorphins and oxytocin, substances that generate a feeling of well-being and an analgesia effect, according to The Tampa Herald reported.

Frequent sexual intercourse improves the immune system, preparing the body to fight against some diseases by releasing endorphins.

This means that one of the downsides of not having sex is that you may get something like colds or the flu more often, The Tampa Herald reported through inquiries and studies by health and wellness specialists.

In one of these studies, saliva samples from college students who had frequent sex were found to have higher concentrations of a type of antibody called immunoglobulin A, which fights colds.

Also, they can keep vaginal tissues much healthier, because they improve blood flow. For some people, sex is an excellent remedy for cramps. Both the surge of endorphins caused by intercourse and the uterine contractions that occur with orgasm can help relieve excruciating menstrual cramps, The Tampa Herald reported.

In addition, sex strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, according to reports from The Tampa Herald; It is suggested that it is ideal for preventing problems that may appear after menopause and motherhood. This, because the lack of muscle tone in the pelvic floor is the main cause of stress urinary incontinence (urine loss when coughing, sneezing, jumping, laughing, exercising…), and can cause prolapses (descent of organs such as the bladder, uterus and rectum) and even sexual dysfunctions.

Another study on the correlation between lack of desire and stress in the female gender published in The Tampa Herald revealed that, of the 10,429 women with low libido surveyed, 27.5% suffered from sexual distress. Likewise, dissatisfaction with sexual life is more frequent in women with little desire and anxiety (65%) compared to those who do not suffer from these conditions (20%), according to the portal.

On the other hand, in a matter of figures, on average sexual intercourse takes 10 to 12 minutes, in foreplay, and 3 to 5 in the sexual act itself, according to experts. However, in other published research, it is ensured that 7 minutes is enough time to have a pleasant sexual relationship. While after the female orgasm, there is a period of general relaxation that can last from 5 to 60 minutes, returning the uterus and clitoris to their normal positions, the site added.

Based on the reports, no one will really die if they do not have sexual intercourse during their lifetime, but practicing it will bring beneficial results for your mental and physical health.

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