During the course of the day, the dollar registered a slight fall, the Colombian peso reaches the highest devaluation in the region in the last year, due to external causes related to the rise in rates in the United States, added to continuous inflation, the conflict in Ukraine, but also for internal causes related to the proximity of the presidential election.

The Representative Market Rate for today is $4,080.32 compared to yesterday which was $4,086.

Thus, the devaluation of the peso since January reaches 2.49% and in the full year (since May 2021) it is 9.84%, higher than that of the Brazilian real, 9.4%.

Trading in the market yesterday opened at $4,097 and closed at $4,083.75, had an average price of $4,080.78 after having a minimum price of $4,065.55 and a maximum of $4,105.00. The amount of operations was US$1,430 million.

Corficolombiana’s foreign exchange market specialist, Diego Gómez, told Contador Financiero that the inflation figure in the United States of 8.3% per year shows that a stronger adjustment is coming from the Federal Reserve in terms of rates and the desire for the dollar. sticks to the currencies in Latin America, in reference to Colombia adds the anguish for the presidential election that could originate crucial modifications to the established economic standard.

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